What is bullying?
Bullying can include:
- being called names, teased or humiliated
- posting, commenting on or liking nasty photos, videos or posts about you online
- being pushed, hit or hurt
- having money and other stuff stolen
- spreading rumours or starting group chats about you
- being ignored, left out or made to feel like you're not wanted
- being threatened, intimidated or sent nasty messages
- trolling you or commenting on your posts or pictures saying nasty things
- someone revealing personal details without your permission
- targeting you over and over again in an online game.
Bullying is very common but you don’t have to put up with it. You deserve to live a happy life where nobody bullies you.
Tell a trusted adult what is happening. They will help you.
The NSPCC can give you advice and support at any time. Contact them online or call Childline on 0800 1111.